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Navigating Natural Hazards: New Rules for Chemical Safety in Hurricane Season

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June 28, 2024

Navigating Natural Hazards: New Rules for Chemical Safety in Hurricane Season

Hurricanes, Floods, and High Winds 

Hurricane season began on June 1, 我们已经看到了本季第一场被命名的风暴——热带风暴阿尔贝托, which made landfall and lashed the Texas coast with rain and high winds. The National Weather Service is predicting an above-normal 2024 hurricane season, including 4-7 major hurricanes. In this blog, 我们深入研究了化工行业面临的一些新规则,以及组织如何将应急响应计划与今年的飓风季节相结合.

继拜登总统的第一天行政命令(EO 13990:保护公众健康和环境,恢复科学应对气候危机), 环境保护署(EPA)最近完成了旨在防止化学物质意外释放到空气和水中的规定. 一些设施将需要评估自然灾害带来的风险——包括, but not limited to, hurricanes – when conducting their hazard reviews or process hazard analyses.

环境保护署认为,自然灾害有可能引发威胁人类健康和环境的事故, 由于气候变化,恶劣天气事件变得越来越普遍和激烈,因此对恶劣天气事件的规划至关重要. Consideration of the risks of accidental releases posed by natural hazards, along with any controls that can address that risk, are necessary to protect human health and the environment.

What does EPA consider a natural hazard? 

In the revised Risk Management Plan (RMP) rule, EPA defines natural hazard to mean meteorological, climatological, environmental or geological phenomena that have the potential for negative impact, accounting for impacts due to climate change. 环境保护署提供的一些例子包括极端天气,如沿海洪水, hurricanes, tornados, but also more common weather conditions like heat waves, strong winds, ice storms, and hail. Put simply, 如果有外部天气条件可能影响你的设施运行并导致意外释放, 你可能要考虑这种情况是否会给你的设施带来额外的风险.

What are the new requirements? 

美国环保署已经完成了两条描述评估自然灾害风险的规则:风险管理计划(RMP)规则, and the Clean Water Act Hazardous Substance Facility Response Plan rule.  

RMP规则已经存在了几十年,旨在防止化学设施和炼油厂意外释放导致的场外影响. EPA最终确定了新的变更,澄清了设施必须在危害审查或过程危害分析中考虑自然危害, and determine what, if any, safeguards may be needed to prevent an accidental release. 

In addition, 受保护的设施现在必须解决电力故障和备用或应急电力系统的风险,作为PHA的一部分. 虽然设施不需要为RMP过程实施备用或应急电源, 工厂应该考虑备用电源是否适合他们的工艺,并且必须解释不使用备用电源的决定. 

However, 哪些设施有与预防和检测意外泄漏有关的监测设备, this equipment is required to have standby or backup power. 环境保护署希望监测设备能够在自然灾害断电的情况下正常运行, 这样,业主和运营商就会知道是否有释放,并在需要时通知急救人员和当地社区.

In addition to the revised RMP rule, 美国环保署最近还敲定了一项新规定,要求一些设施为《新黄金城667733》中有害物质的最坏情况排放做好计划. 受此规则约束的业主和经营者必须准备并提交一份应对最坏情况排放和这种排放的实质性威胁的计划. 制定这一计划的专业人员应评估对人类健康和环境可能造成的危害, 包括考虑对环境正义社区的影响和气候变化的影响. Here, EPA指出,对气候变化影响的考虑应包括但不限于极端事件的强度和频率的增加, such as storm surges and inland and coastal flooding.


这些条例有可能影响应急准备行动的额外要求, whether the emergency is caused by a natural hazard or not. Process Safety, EHSS, engineering, 业务专业人员应熟悉规则,并在适当情况下寻求合规和法律专业人员的协助.

Revising Regulations and Emergency Response Planning

拜登政府担心气候变化可能对自然灾害的频率或强度增加产生影响, EPA在制定或修改法规时,越来越多地将矛头指向自然灾害——包括飓风. 化学品制造商和分销商可能想检查一下,看看他们是否遵守这些新规定和其他相关规定,并将其纳入今年飓风季节的应急响应计划中. 

要了解更多有关组织如何为飓风季节和其他自然灾害做准备的信息,请查看我们的 Top 10 Tips for Hurricane Preparedness.

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